If you can’t find a solution to your problem please submit a ticket by clicking here.
SkinEdit FAQ
▶ How do I use the minecraft skin I created for my player?
Just visit the "Profile" page on the minecraft.net official website. In the upload field select browse and select the file you saved in SkinEdit.
▶ When I try to launch SkinEdit I get a message asking which program I should use to open the file
Make sure you have the latest version of Java from Java.com. SkinEdit is made for Java 1.6 or later but will run in Java 1.5 as well. If you are uncertain you could reinstall java to be sure you have the latest version.
If you are using Windows you can try to run SkinEdit with the Launch.bat file instead which works sometimes when doubleclicking MCSkinEdit.jar does not.
If you are still having problems please support a ticket and we will come and help you as fast as we can :D